Thursday, December 5, 2013

first snow of the year and a bunny named cheese

 They were happy.  Sam, in particular was absolutely ecstatic.

And then the kids came outside too!  She was overjoyed.

 Okay, this morning we were in bed watching cartoons.   I asked her about her bunny, and she told me his name was Cheese.

He has a bright fuchsia ribbon around his neck, and he's named Cheese.

 Later Jay came home and I asked her to tell Grandpa her bunny's name:  "Cheese."

(Kid are so darn weird.)
 Kari thought it was funny too, and we asked her to take her picture with the bunny, could she sit up and smile?   These pictures are the result.  She and b.g. are the hardest people to take pictures of. He's getting better. She's still awful.

 In this picture she's looking at a little tiny doll that actually belongs to her mother.  I found it in a basket of old mail last week, cleaning for Thanksgiving

And that is that.  Kick around in your grandparents' bed with a bunny named Cheese, and do not cooperate for any nice pictures.     love you weird kids, Grandma

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