Thursday, March 30, 2017

a few pictures from the end of march, 2017

 These guys were here a bit.  We had a good time.

 We walked to the playground, first time this spring.

 On the walk home I asked him if he could see my house?  He scanned the horizon, not used to seeing it from this angle, but in a minute he picked it out and ran over, tried to climb the fence.

 This guy went around and waited for us.

 They have kind of a love - hate, like - scared attitude about Elin.  She's mostly sweet, and she's delighted when they're here, but she's overgrown and can be rough.   She put a scratch on the little one's back at the end of the day, being an idiot.

During the afternoon, they helped me wear her out, kicked empty detergent bottles around the yard and threw balls for her to chase after.  She loved it.

 Today Dan had the idea of taking these kids to the Roller Garden.  At first I couldn't wrap my brain around it.  Chasing that little girl around at the Roller Garden?  No way in hell.

Julia said she'd come with, so I was heartened.  When it came time to leave, she was still in bed, didn't remember having ever agreed to anything that ambitious.

We ventured forth without her.

I don't regret it.  It was a new thing for the boys, and Dan cracks me up regardless.  The little girl is emotional and unreasonable, but she ate some chicken nuggets and found the place entertaining as well as infuriating.

 He was getting the hang of it by the time we left.   I'd be willing to try it again.

And that's the end of that, and what a fine week it's been.

We have a new granddaughter due in August.

Wheee!    Love, Val

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