Sunday, September 3, 2017

labor day and kirsten is here

She drove, with her friends, from Florida to spend the weekend with us and meet this little peanut.

These two came along too, and they love Wisconsin.

The little brown one chased balls in the lake until she was shivering cold.  The brindle guy smelled everything and escaped for a romp through the lily pads and swamp.

When he thought Kirsten and Payton were leaving, he finally emerged.

The kids played games in the evening.

 Watched movies
 He was trying to cook chili when a storm blew in, knocked down a tree, and the power had to be cut so the linemen could get the tree out of the road and the electrical cord back in place.

 Kids watched the whole process:

 Then the power was restored, and cooking could continue.

 This is Julia, on her niece's tablet, with their old dog:

The chili was delicious and so were the salads and salsa, and what isn't, actually?

There were wild babies and toddlers, older kids all so excited to be together.

Kirsten?  It's lovely having you here.   Love, Mom

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