Thursday, September 21, 2017

last day of summer, 2017

It's already starting to happen--fall colors starting.

She was left here to get babysat for a couple hours. She found this container of rice Julia was using to dry her cell phone after it FELL IN THE LAKE on Saturday.

Good LOR-ed.

Julia jumped right in the lake to save it, but why was it on the dock at all?  Whatever. It has come back to life pretty nicely.  No harm in trying the rice treatment.

Well, the child found the rice and brought it downstairs and was going to play with it on the living room couch.   I convinced her to bring it to the kitchen.  It kept her busy for half an hour.

 This little goofy decoration has a hole in the bottom, so she filled the pumpkin with rice and her popcorn over and over.

 I have this new camera, and it takes some time to get used to.  A switch was moved and every picture I took went into about six different versions.  This black and white close up was one of them.

 Eventually we went outside.

Okay this had Kirsten (I texted her) and me laughing our heads off. She went into the dining rooom and turned on this DVD player.  The volume was high, and in an instant some super loud march music came booming forth--extremely loud.

(I took this picture later, have no record of the actual occurrence.)

She came running to the kitchen in one door, the dog came racing to the kitchen through the other and the child hid behind the cupboard over by the sink.  The dog barked for about five continuous minutes.  Take it easy, Elin.

I asked her if she wanted to go with me to turn the music down and offered my hand.  She put her hands under her chin and said, "I scared."

 Oh my goodness.

Later she found this rainwater in a truck and stirred it with a big stick until the dog ran up and snatched the stick right out of her hands.  The crying was pretty phenomenal.   We found her a little shovel. The dog tried to make a move on that.  Unh-uh.  Get out of here.

But this!  Out of a whole funny, fun day that even included warm sunshine, and our going out for lunch, and lots of laughing--THIS!
Look at that smile!   Oh my goodness.

Oh my.

Love, Grandma

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