Wednesday, May 2, 2018

sweet may

 Two weeks ago we were struggling under the weight of a huge snowstorm.  Here is the window in the bedroom tonight, wide open to the warm spring night.

Today, we spent the afternoon in the sun on the patio.


You have swept away all the cruelty of a snowy April and brought us sunshine and warmth.

 I bought these little solar candles at the grocery store.  They change colors at intervals and are quite pretty on the radiator all night long.
Here we were on the patio this afternoon, eating Peach Cheerios.

 This little girl fell off the swing right while I was pushing her.  The swing swept back up near my waist, and she fell out, right on the ground on my feet.

I picked her up and we sat on the glider until she caught her  breath.  A band aid was needed for her little pinky finger, must have scraped on the chain.

How did that even happen?

But in a little while she was fine again.

May, you sweet devil.

So glad you showed up.

Love, Val

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