Sunday, February 7, 2010

define botherment

Okay, a few minutes ago, we had Julia upstairs at 10:20pm with her squealy, giddy laughing. Their room is above ours, and I could hear her feet running all over the place. This kid had bedtime prayers, kisses, was tucked in very nicely. The mandatory ritual of the fetching of the Yo-J was done. That should be the end of it.

So I yelled up and called her to the top of the stairs. I could see her silhouette in the light from the bathroom, her wild hair and skinny legs, "Do you see the lights are mostly off, and hear how quiet this house is?"


"There are people who have to get up early in the morning and need their sleep. YOU cannot be a disruption up there. Get in your bed and be quiet."

She nodded, "I won't be a botherment annnnyyyy more."


I didn't believe her, but she wasn't kidding! It's very quiet now.

Kirsten was here to eat supper with us and watch the Super Bowl, so of course there were the usual strange conversations. This is the only one I can remember though.

Kari told us she woke up one night and her legs were asleep! And she had to go to the bathroom!

We all expectantly looked at her, "Okay."

She said, "Duhn, duhn, duhn, be conTINued."

Oh brother. There were a couple other of these ridiculous to be continued stories, but I don't remember those. I have the feeling there will be plenty more before this little kick is over.

Monday's looking better than the weekend, even with a foot of snow forecast. I'm feeling a lot better than I did Friday and Saturday. My parents are in Florida, lucky them, eating at restaurants outside, going to the beach... sigh. It sounds so lovely. love, Val

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