Monday, January 24, 2011

her buddies

Heidi's friends held a baby shower for her yesterday.

We were pretty impressed by the decorating, the cake, the food--oh my goodness the food. These people can cook.

They decorated a series of onesies for occasions through the baby's first year, pretty cute, and the love that went into all this work was pretty evident.

It was a great time.

It's pretty impressive too, all the new gadgets for caring for babies. It'll be interesting to see which ones stand the test of time.

When b.g. was born, Alicia was certain she did NOT want some garish plastic baby contraption taking up half the dining room. But then they were given one, and she said how much the child loved it--what could she do? He'd bounce and spin and chew on the attachments. She let the baby have his fun.

A old friend who teaches special ed told me, "Yeah, kids affect our behavior way more than we affect theirs."

You know, there's a lot of truth in that.

Plus we're such wimps when we just want to SLEEP. Anything, sweetheart, anything, just let me SLEEP. Please.

The party was especially nice because it helped Heidi focus for a bit on the baby, rather than on the stupid fire and the tedious, aggravating repair process. Yeah, a baby's going to be here soon.

And there's a reason to have a small hope they might be back home before then.

Hey, Girls. I'm so glad Heidi has you. love, Val

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a lovely day! I do hope they can get into their place before March,,,but imagine how lovely it will be to have your very own grand baby right there under your own roof. <3
