see that glimmer of light?
She was mad. Angrrrry.
Lydia and m.c. wanted time alone, Friday. They wanted time to themselves, without her, little outrageous, scrappy, squirrely her.
She was pretty insulted.
In her huff she stormed and stomped, received some sympathy and also some suggestions that she forget about it and find something else to do.
Well, she found this to do.
And it turned out to be surprisingly satisfying and fun. It was also a way to thumb her nose at the obnoxious duo that is t.c. and Uncle Tim. They're just so far into Guyland she can hardly stand it. They find her disgust hilarious, but fairly unimportant.
After she'd been in there a long time, I wondered if she'd fallen asleep and knocked on the door.
No answer.
I peeked inside. She was playing Kari's pink Nintendo DS, quite happily curled on a big couch pillow in the dark.
It was a peaceful weekend. Jay went ice fishing with John and Dan and their friend Ed.
We were here. Heidi, Joe, and I made a brave trip to Costco. I filed papers and cleaned the office, and this morning even made it to church with James, Tim, and Julia.
Lydia said she was too tired for church. I was a little irritated and thought, "Okay, fine. I have no time to deal with you," and left. Well, she started puking while we were gone. She wasn't tired! She was sick!
Yeah, the barfing. She was on the bathroom floor with a pillow and blanket most of the day, but she's feeling better now, just a bit wrung out and tired. Should be a fun week, eh? Onward. February approaches. Bring buckets. love always, Val
bring buckets?? I love it! We are praying no puke comes to our house! Love you