Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I'm going through photos for a project for my parents 50th anniversary this summer.

Click-a da mouse, click-a da mouse, on and on and on, file after file. But along the way I've run across some pictures I didn't remember, ones that were fun.

Here are a couple pictures from 2006, kids engaged in a favorite cabin activity, making collages.

All you need is a theme, and then start snipping from the magazines. It can be anything--yellow, babies, cars, shampoo, food--a friend did one on stomach upset. That made me laugh.

If you're little and not good at cutting, that's okay too. We tape them to the dining room walls.

Some friends stayed at our cabin for a week and there were some new collages on the wall when we went back. One was a fairly cool anti-war collage.

They cut and glue for hours. It is a horrendous mess, but the entertainment value is so high, and all it takes is the vacuum to eliminate all the scraps.

This made me smile, baby Julia, the tenth child, the very last one, on her dad's shoulders. So many kids have perched on him over the years.

And Jimmy and his blasted hairy dog. I was going to brush her today--better get on it. She's a mess right now, so much undercoat that needs to be brushed out of there. The sun is shining. Heidi's little peanut is sleeping here beside me. It's a great Wednesday. love, Val


  1. oh would you chose with so many wonderful pics! i don't envy that job. I can't wait to make another collage this July. love R

  2. Oh, gawd, R. I am lucky to know you at all, I realize, and yet the miles seem so far apart.

    Big hugs. Sigh. love, Val
