Sunday, May 22, 2011

a funny little wagon ride

It's John. At the end of Saturday evening, there they were wanting wagon rides. Anything to stall baths, right?

A few years ago, my dad gave John this little old tractor and a new trailer for use at the lake.

The riders--t.c. is going to be driving.

John's trying to start the thing behind his back.

But there were other problems. Eventually, he got it going.

These trees buds look like snow or popcorn.

Here's where the deer sleep. This was the most pleasant ride imaginable, t.c. chattering away, "Gram-MAW! Look at this, look at that," every two seconds, and l.c. snuggled against my chest.

Tim's turn.

And the beautiful blue sky--

Julia's turn

in the evening sun.

This child declined to accompany us. She prefers quiet.

Maria was offering her own rides.

Okay, and this is just funny. Julia asked me to roll her hair up and tuck it under the hat, then asked, "Do I look like a boy now?"

Oh my gosh, Jule. We'd have never even KNOWN it was YOU. Happy Sunday. The end of May is looking very fine. love, Val

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