Tuesday, May 3, 2011

i'm sorry, sooo sorry

This afternoon, Tim came racing through the room and asked me how to spell sorry. Then a few minutes later he was back with a pen and piece of paper for me to write it on. Okay, fine.

But a few hours later, in the car, I was thinking about that and asked him who he'd been writing a sorry note to, and what for?

"Well, for Lydia."

"Okay, why?"

"Well, I kinda put pop in her Barbie toilet."

Lydia: "Yes, I found it like that! It was dis-GUST-ing!"

Julia, waving a hand in front of her nose: "It looked like some kind of nasty poop water."

The remorse would be more believable without the laughing, Tim.

I said, "And messy! How was that going to get cleaned up?"

"Easy. Just suck it with a straw."

Lyddie said, "You see what I'm dealing with? Why I get cranky?"

I definitely see why you get cranky. It's terrible. I love you, Honey. love, Mom


  1. She should make Tim suck it out with a straw..the little menace, lol. Is Kari actually sleeping there? Love R. xo

  2. No, she's not asleep, just annoyed. love, Val
