These weird looking little things turn into somewhat attractive orange butterflies eventually.
He's giving her a bit of advice here. Pretty sure she's not going to take it. That's how she is.
Don't worry. She'll figure it out. Save your breath.
Here's the dog who must sleep next to any baby, no matter where. The youngest person asleep? (How can she tell?) That's where she is. Breathing heavily. Giving off heat. Anyone want to make dog hair yarn? She's blowing an undercoat of super-warm down.
Tomorrow it's supposed to be 90 degrees here. This darling probably won't need the bonnet, even though she looks good in it.
This picture was taken the other night, while the two of them discussed how photogenic they are NOT. It's Maria and her dad laughing and what's not perfect about that?
I enjoy how she and Heidi are nearly twins.
Place your nose right in the nape of her neck and inhale deeply. Maria or Heidi? Who is it? Impossible to tell.
One time when Heidi colored her hair in a college experiment gone wrong, Joe whispered to me, "Did you see all the curly-qs on her neck turned purple too?"
Yeah, I did.
That he noticed?
Happy Friday.
love, Val
Tim is looking so manly here. I hate those nasty caterpillars..they are taking up in the apple tree again..ugh! Love R xo