Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11-1-11, okay that's a cool date

That's today. Wow.

Here's Sesame Street as seen from inside a big water heater box I brought inside for the kids to play with. They did--put in blankets, decorated, hung pictures. We cut windows.  It was good.

See that smile?  Great box.

Then it was warm enough to eat lunch on the patio. In November, no less, 65 degrees, no wind, some sunshine.
Tonight we had the birthday party, finally, for Kirsten and Joe.

Recognize this guy?  Oh yes, he's as scrumptious as he looks.

These two complained they were hot.  It was stifling, all those people, and dogs, and the cooking.  We opened windows. The back door storm window is jammed, thank you very much. We just propped it wide open for air.  Whatever.

Okay, one more time, part of a trio who cannot get along.  Sigh.  It's a lot of conflicting agendas and it's annoying, honestly.  We discussed it tonight again before bed.  Quit acting like JERKS you little jerks.

You're the aunt and uncle. Shut up and get along--I don't want to hear any of your excuses, you hear me?

They say, yes, yes, yes. But we'll see if next time is any different.  This crew is stuck together for life. I hope they get a clue sooner than later.

Maria and m.c. showing train videos to a very tired little boy.

And the birthday girl opens a few gifts.

Loose tooth, very wiggly--

She's just yawning here, but what a funny picture

What, food? Where? Can I have some?

And a lovely, lovely shot of the ceiling.  Isn't that great?

Oh, now time for candles.  We teased her because her dad bought the fancier box, which are only sold in sets of twenty-four. We had to crack open a second box.  Not that funny, I know.   She puts up with us.

See the eyes?

The teaser:

Okay, Happy Birthday, Dear Kirsten. Happy Birthday to YOU

When she saw the decorations on her cake, she asked, "Isn't that the moose that was on the mailbox all summer?"


Little Jay commented about a toy that had been in the sandbox earlier.  Well you know what? I personally saw these items being washed with soap and water in the sink.  I'm sure it's fine.  I'm positive.

And now the Joe:
Oh, yeah, no problem.

Onward to 11-2-11, which is also a somewhat cool date.   Happy Birthday you guys. We love you very much.  love, Mom and Dad

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