Friday, December 2, 2011

it's a true story

 We have an unexpected, spontaneous sleepover here tonight.

They took off with the camera, and that's fine.   Have fun.

Okay, the picture below is very dark, but it's mine own t.c. finally asleep. He and Tim watched a movie and t.c. used Julia's DS and Tim his own, and they played video games for a long time before he fell asleep.

He also had a homesick crying jag, and phoned his parents.   John called me while I was at Target to ask me about it.  I don't know. I'm at Target.  I hurried home, but by then all the drama was over.  "I just miss my dad SO MUCH," he wept to Kirsten.

But he didn't want to go home, just had to get that out of his system, I guess.  John hasn't even been traveling this week, so it was a bit baffling, but that's okay.

He slept, all cuddled up on his monkey pillow pet, and I kissed his ear.

Okay, this is Uncle Tim, not asleep yet, ready to very quietly continue playing games on his DS.

I kissed his head too, and told him to sleep tight.

He snickered and said, "Can we shave his monkey?"

What? What??

Absolutely not. What kind of uncle are you?

He said he was only kidding.  

Goodness sakes.

This was a spectacular Friday--we met up at the high school and ate pizza at the boys' basketball fundraiser.  b.g. tore all around with Dan on his tail, and at the meal we sat with his other grandparents and great-grandparents. 

Julia and t.c. were really silly and loud, but we didn't care.  It was a cafeteria with pizza. Go nuts.

Heidi and Joe and p.j. were there too, and it's fun to watch James play basketball.  I commented to Dan that James has the same loose-jointed body that all the boys have had.

It's like their joints are strung with too loose of wire, long narrow people loping up and down the court, big skinny hands and feet.

But now it's actually Saturday, and nobody is shaving the grandson's monkey pillow pet.   love, Val

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