Thursday, November 8, 2012

people who won't leave on their shoes

This is one of those people.   Maybe she did it all summer too, but mostly she was barefoot anyway, so we didn't realize.

She will not leave on shoes or socks.   Before we leave to do errands we must search all around for the shoes and socks.  Then between every stop in the car, we have to search around the floor of the car, in the nooks and crannies of the backseat and find her shoes and socks AGAIN.

While I wasn't looking at the grocery store today she took off a shoe and threw it somewhere.   I had to go back in and search the aisles for it.  It was on a shelf in the stationery aisle.

It's temporary.    In a few months she'll be two and that much more civilized again.  

But I think she takes after her uncle James.   He used to do this too.     It reminded me of the old story about the time we went to a museum on a Sunday afternoon, and on the way home, he was definitely tired and possibly hungry, and talking in his mouse voice, complaining about EVERYTHING.

He might have been about three years old?

Anyway, after a while of this, Little Jay slapped him across the face.

 here he's only two.

This is a No-Hitting House.   Everyone in the car turned to stare at Little Jay, and at James holding his face, howling.

Little Jay burst into tears too.    Good grief, People.

When we got home, there was James in the back seat, still making bitchy little unhappy noises.

And he was barefoot.

As he came to the door to be helped down, I scolded him, "Look.  You've aggravated Jay so badly he slapped you and now here you are with bare feet again.   When are you going to realize you are annoying this entire family?"    He gave me a look--gopher cheeks and big blue eyes.

I lifted him down and said, "Run, go!  Go fast!"

He ran to the front door, barefoot over the snow, "Ooch, ooch, ooch."   And that is the end of that story.  I'd like to say he left his shoes on in the car after that and never fussed at us again, but that seems like a stretch.

And all you kids?  All you present and former rowdies and squirrels?    I love you so.  Thanks for being mine.    love, Mom

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