Saturday, November 24, 2012

the day after thanksgiving

Thanksgiving morning it was close to 60 degrees out.  By evening, it was sleeting and snowing.  At this point Friday morning it was about 20 degrees with a stiff wind.   Twenty degrees will feel fine to us in a month, but we are not used to it yet.

 We drove to the town where Dannell grew up, and cut a tree at the tree farm.    Click on the picture above to enlarge if you want.   It looks like a fine tree.

Well when we got home, and Jay started cutting the base to fit in the stand, the tree more or less fell apart.  He showed me in the driveway, and I've never seen anything like this before, and we stood there staring at the whole mess for a long minute.

Then I said, "Throw it behind the garage and let's move on from this problem.   We'll eat lunch and then go to Malmborg's and get another tree."

And that is what we did.  So this whole lovely adventure in the woods was a waste of time and money.

That's the way it goes sometimes.   Thanksgiving leftovers in the microwave and on to tree #2.

 This tree had no difficulties, thank goodness.

 And then this:

 Last night when I was done working and came home, driving down our street, I saw the lights and thought, "Oh, pretty!"  THEN I realized it was MY house.   While I was gone, Jay put up lights outside, and on Thanksgiving night I put the candlestick lights in the windows and it's all very festive.

 And this was inside the house.   I love all the light on these long dark days.

And then, this is a little funny.   I thought, "Hmm. I wonder if I can catch the end of Saturday Night Live?  Or maybe Austin City Limits is on."    I came to the room and flicked on the TV.

It wasn't Saturday night, only Friday, dur.    I had to go find the kids, laugh at how mixed up the holiday has made us.   They said they kept thinking it was Saturday all day long too.

Onward!   Christmas is a month away!    love, Val

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