Sunday, April 7, 2013

a triple birthday and happy birthday kari

Here's the birthday girl with a smile on her face.

This one is just blurry and tiny.

 This guy was at the party.

 And these ones were too.

 Mr. 21 himself:

 And his nephew:

 I asked what was going on here and l.c. said, "I'm keeping him AWAKE!"

Dan and my dad:

 No idea what's going on here:

 My mom and John and Dannell's baby:

They tried to go outside.  That little brown dog is Kirsten's and she LOVES it outside.   Nothing makes her happier than when there are dogs and people in the yard.

Except being in the bed between the middle of her grandparents.  She likes that  quite a lot too.

This spring has been awfully sluggish in arriving.   It's only supposed to be 40s for highs all week.  That's annoying.  Where are the 70s?

 Cake time!

 Oh, and this is the pink ceramic Jesus Kari picked out at the thrift store, along with the little goofy guys my parents gave them.

 At one point, Lydia was holding the pink Jesus over Alicia's head and I asked what she was doing?

"He's protecting her."

Well, then.
Kari, you know what I'm going to say, and it's always the truth:   This family is so better with you in it.  You are a most beautiful girl we have loved since we first ever met you.

You were tiny and bald and adorable, and then you grew into a really quirky little weird kid who kept us guessing.

At preschool one day the teachers took me aside and said, "Val?  She's?"

I said, "I know.  She's a whole new creature again.  You'd think by this point there would be no more surprises right?  Well, we were wrong."

Thank you for being such a beautiful kid.  And thank you for being a great sister, and a superb aunt.

 Thirteen years of you?   Lucky, lucky old us.   love, Mom and Dad and Everybody

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