Sunday, April 21, 2013

one year old

 Here he is, big eyes while they try to get the cake ready.

It was a great party, hosted in the big room at John's work.

 Here's the biggest brother, cooperating nicely for a picture.  He's got no front teeth still, but he's so grown up these days.
 Yes, these favorite women were there:

 Here's a cute kid goofing around for the camera:
 Shaping up now:

 That's my sister in law cuddling the baby.  We don't see each other nearly often enough.

And to you, little guy--a guy we'd never imagined until only a year ago?     You are the most perfect little boy, as tender and sweet and fuzzy as a little baby kitten.   I wondered if that quality would disappear when you got big enough to get off our laps and crawl away.

It didn't.

You're still fuzzy and friendly with that sweet grin that squints up your eyes.

Thanks for coming to this family and being ours.  The whole family is better with you in it.  

Happy Birthday, beautiful boy, love Grandma and Grandpa and Everybody

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