Wednesday, October 16, 2013

no reasonable explanation

For the most part, the software would not allow me to insert any space between the photos for comments.

It's one of those,"Talk among yourselves," things.  Unexplained.

But that's okay.  Less is often more.   Above is a picture our neighbor took about twelve years ago. The little exhausted guy wiping his brow is James.

You know this rowdy crew:

These are my mom's parents who are hugely missing at this point.  Gigantic, painful, absence of them.  We band together and that does help, but there are those times where air hardly enters the lungs, and best wishes in heaven, you guys.  We sure do miss you HERE.  Oh my goodness.

These are my grandsons a couple months ago on the hill next to the house.  This might, in fact, be one of the best features of the home.

Here's my favorite rainy day photo, Alicia:

Lori's daughter was born this week and is she a little lump of gorgeousness.   This is Lori and her back in 1986.   Lori?  I want you.  I look forward to kissing your sweet grandchild on the cheeks.

Aww, this picture, always a favorite.  Sam's eight now and those joints in the back legs are slow and sometimes stiff, especially on a smooth floor or climbing stairs.   James?  He's same as ever, finally feeling good again.


And that's that for tonight.  Who knows what will be in that folder next week.

love, always and forever, Val

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