Friday, October 30, 2015

happy friday

 Here's the little sister at her big sister's preschool, waiting for something to happen.

Once in the room, there was this sensory table full of pumpkin seeds.  Normally, a person would see sand or rice.  But today, no.

It is October, you know.
 This is p.j. in her Halloween costume as Ana.  I put her hair up and it was a great Halloween program.

 She's the only girl in a class of seven boys, and that little teacher dressed as a cat was worried too  about this.

Nah.  She plays with her cousins, and honestly, none of the boys in this class seem overbearing in the least.  p.j. likes them, reports fun times only.

 This is the little sister in the hallway, ready for the costume parade

 That's p.j. in the Ana dress, ribbons over her back:

 After all this festivity, we headed home again, and the little sister  was long asleep as I rounded the driveway.

This is the entire reason I bought this plant at all--the fall color, and not disappointing at all.

 Later we had an appointment in the city, and the cloudy sky over the skyline were both striking and beautiful.

Lydia asked what I was taking a picture of??


 A day later, an evening later, pumpkin time:

 Sam was super helpful and extremely interested:

 This little beauty came about by fall leaves glued to a canning jar, little electric votive inside.

That did not stop our dad from trying to light one with a grill clicker-dicker.



October is over, and what a beautiful fall this has been.

love always, Val

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