Sunday, June 4, 2017

a weekend in town

 We were not at the lake this weekend, had a fun graduation party yesterday.

So we did a lot of work around home.

The flower beds and foundation plantings were cleaned up and refreshed.

 The grill continues to go away.

James hauled rubble for hours. I tossed it in the wheelbarrow along with him and into the buckets. He hauled it away to the dumpster.

I've gone soft--almost two years at a desk job.

Jay brought the jackhammer to break up the base, and as we tried to pull a whole tree out of this mess, he departed to fetch a crowbar.  Except the crowbar was like 12 feet long!  I asked him where that came from and he grinned and then said, "None of your business."

Okay, now I seriously need to know where this ginormous crowbar came from!

It came with other equipment he bought second hand a few years ago.  Okay, fine.

This is a picture I took of our sweet patio in the dark. We sat out here laughing until the mosquitoes drove us inside.

 Maria and her Poo-tell.

And that's the end of that.  It was a lovely weekend.

Love, Val

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