Thursday, March 10, 2011

who knew?

Okay, last night when I got home, there were Tim and Julia asleep in the bed in Tim's room. Asleep!

Since Heidi and Joe went back home, they've been camping in their room--that big room below the family room. I hear them at 1 am still laughing and building legos. They're eating snacks, watching Nickelodeon, no discipline whatsoever.

I have to tell them to get to bed. "You people have to function tomorrow! Good night already!"

But I think they wait until I'm gone and continue the lego party.

Eventually they sleep in a pile of sleeping bags and pillows, then snooze half the morning too.

Well, last night there they were, in a proper bed, lights off, sleeping.

Sleeping! At a normal time!

I asked Jay, "When is Julia ever going to sleep in her own bed? What is her deal?"

Jay laughed, "They came running upstairs about 10:00 and jumped in that bed. Something about a spider."

A spider. A tiny wisp of an arachnid drove them from the lego party.

His eyes met mine and we knew we were thinking the same thing.

There was devilish laughter.

I told Jay we could be strategically using spiders to our advantage--put one near the Moo Jrs, another one by the scotch tape. Definitely we should put a couple near my personal stash of diet Coke.

We have found their weakness.

love, Val

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