Sunday, September 11, 2011

he turns two

His mom and dad hosted a family party for him, and we all went to his house. b.g. is a lucky child. He has as many aunts and uncles as a kid could ever wish for, and an ever-increasing circle of cousins.

PLUS, at his party were all his grandparents AND three pair of great-grandparents.

It was a really nice night. The lasagne was to die for, the salad and bread delicious, everything perfect.

Here he is in the stairway, just as James peeked around the corner.

This guy had been out in the yard living it up. He's warm.

Jimmy and his little nephews:

And these two could NOT agree on ANYTHING at this point. It was seriously annoying. Dannell and I are very much hoping they OUTGROW this absurd behavior. Ugh.

We ignore what we can and encouage being nicer. Yeah, nicer. Don't you love that nicer? They look at us like we do not get it. We probably don't. After all, we are nice.

Oh, but this guy is just darling. "Grammaw! Watch this!"

He opened many gifts.

Oh, and this baby girl wore herself out, playing with all his toys.

Well, they seem to be not arguing at the moment. Okay.

Oh, and here's b.g. with Alicia's little brother.

He finally turned to Alicia, "Does he know how to blow out candles?"

Yes, he does, but everybody help.

Beautiful baby, we love you so. I hope being two is absolutely fantastic.

love forever and always, Grandma.

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