Wednesday, September 28, 2011

wednesday wonderful

It was a perfectly gorgeous day.

And that little girl is almost seven months now, and she's going nuts, pulling herself up on the furniture. She falls a lot, and she HATES a bumped head--makes her scream in outrage. But in the little car she's safe, can do all her stunts without hurting herself.

We did some work on the patio.

And then ran through the sprinkler.

Oh yeah, here we've got it going on. This tree came with the house. It's the first one to turn colors and drop leaves, and we knew it was going to happen. It does every year.

Anyway, this day was a very welcome surprise, for which I am grateful. Onward to Thursday. with love always, Val


  1. That picture of pj maybe Best On Blog so far. She could not get any cuter.

  2. THIS is why homeschool is awesome. Schoolwork on the patio, then taking advantage of a perfect September day by running through the sprinkler.

    Also, that baby is I think wearing the best outfit yet, I love those little jumper swing dresses. :) Heidi has good taste.

  3. Oh, thanks K. I think she's cute, but my opinion is so biased, lol.

    Alicia, Heidi's neighbor sewed that dress for her--crazy winnie the pooh pattern and rick rack trim, so cheerful. love, Val
