Wednesday, March 3, 2010

oh my

Okay, this is a patient man. He doesn't get excited about much, never has. It's one of the reasons he and Heidi are married. They get each other. It works.

He said to let the puppy sleep in the bed with them because he "doesn't like crying." He lets the guinea pigs crawl on his shoulders and watch TV with him. You can see what he lets Julia do.

Okay, now this is a photo of their guinea pigs. One is Rufus and the other is Rory, but I don't know which is which. Heidi and Kirsten got these funny costumes for them at Christmas-time. Oh, and yeah, that is actually the dining room table cloth. The guinea pigs are ON the dining room table. Not sure what to say about that.

When Joe saw their guinea pigs in the goofy little outfits, I guess he simply closed his eyes and left the room. This made Heidi laugh and laugh...their guinea pigs in goofy outfits,or Joe's reaction, which was funnier to her? Oh, yeah, patient. love, Val

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