Thursday, July 25, 2013

no pudding for you

Here's Maria.

Today was the day the wisdom teeth came out.

I used to think this was somewhat of a racket, an invented problem.  Now I'm not sure.  Jay's wisdom teeth finally caused him trouble in his thirties and it was a tough surgery.  His upper sinus cavity was punctured in the process and he had a nasty infection.   Mine came through but had to be pulled by the dentist eventually because of decay.   

So anyway, Maria has had one hurting on and off for about six months and today was the day.

She survived quite nicely.   I knew she was no longer under anesthesia when she  peeled her eyes open and noticed I had on her shoes.  We have identical pairs. Hers are one size bigger, but that's not even necessary because we have the same size feet.

Then she said, "And you took both pair to the wedding.  Do you even know where yours are?"

I knew she was going to be fine.

On the way home there was a bout of intense nausea--drenching sweat, white lips.  I pulled the car over fast so she could puke on the grass, and she knelt there for a while until she felt better but never did actually throw up, so that was good.     A guy came out on his deck and watched us closely.   I know he was completely baffled.

(If a car stopped in front of my house and a girl fell out, ripping bloody gauze out of her mouth, and knelt there while a lady hovered around and brought her a bottle of water, I'd be wondering too.)

As the hours went on, she felt better and better.   I ran to the store and fetched her prescriptions and also pudding and jello cups and Gatorade.

Heidi and Kirsten and p.j. came for supper. They heard their dad was grilling burgers.  (Kirsten stays with Heidi when Joe is traveling so she can help out with the child.)

Well, after supper ALL the kids were ON these stupid pudding cups like white on rice.  No, you can't eat them!  They're for Maria who had oral surgery today.


Little Jay was perched on the washing machine next to the fridge, "No pudding for YOU."

Jay was there and he started laughing, "That's in a song! It is! What song is it?"

Heidi laughed too, and knowing the loud bands her father used to enjoy in his youth snarled in her best rocker voice, "NO PUDDING FOR YOU!"

 Jay said, "It was Pink Floyd, I think."

I said, "Pink Floyd?  They didn't do much screaming, did they?"

Maria got on her little device and found the song within a minute.  Brick in the Wall--the line is at the end.

The other line we always laughed about in that same song was this one:  "Hey. Teacher. Leave those kids alone."

Yes, indeed.  No pudding for any of you except Maria.

Maria?    This little ordeal was not fun, but you dealt with it well.   Tomorrow will be a better day.


love, Mom

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