Sunday, January 11, 2015

boca de tomatlan

We sort of blundered onto this destination the day we went to the zoo, and decided we should come back again and check it out.

Today we did, headed there, told it was tiny, quiet, beautiful, with a few restaurants and trinkets, and not much else.

The water in this cove was perfectly clear--the water coming from the right side, from a river that meets with the ocean here.   The ocean water was much warmer.

If you're ever hiking on an uneven trail along a cove in Mexico and you meet this man?

Don't be afraid.  He's harmless.

The trail got slippery and skinny at some point and my little gold sandals were not cutting it.  We'd met a sweet couple from Vancouver Island and had teamed up, so I sat on a brick wall and told them I would wait for them on the way back.

(I don't need to slip on some stupid sandals and complicate our vacation.)

I took these pictures as I sat in the breeze in paradise.

These pictures were taken later, after lunch, where a very cool Canadian waitress appeared.

Do you see that little guy in the wet suit, carrying a boat?  Some adorable woman in a bright pink bikini carried him from the cold water of the river OVER the sandbar at right, over to the warm ocean water in the bay on the left.

And then she carried four or five other kids, each one by one, laughing.  It was to the point I asked Jay if this little teenager in a pink bikini was required to carry EVERYONE over?  (I sincerely hoped not.)

I took a few pictures in town, couldn't really resist.


Satellite dishes and clothes lines. EVERYWHERE.

I have no objection to this, just observing.  It may look like a quaint community.

Don't be fooled.

And tonight the internet connection was good, and we talked to all those people we love back home, and I'm glad for this week, but also looking forward to being home again.


Okay, good night.  love, VAL

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