Sunday, December 18, 2016

getting to know you

 This is a lanky, timid puppy boy, but he did well.

Kirsten arrived on schedule from Florida after putting in an incredibly long driving day yesterday trying to avoid a snowstorm on the way home.

She even brought a Gingerbread House Kit and worked on it with  the kids.

 Easing the guy into the family activity level:

This is an overwhelming house, and he's very sweet.

 She's getting so grown up these days, not a baby anymore:

 This house is a tousled wreck, but that's okay. The cookies were delightful and it was all good.

 I asked for real smiles, got fake.   Then Kirsten arranged herself to tell a joke and forgot the punchline.

Real laughter, makes me laugh--can hear that ringing laughter:

 Okay trying to get a picture of the guys sleeping over tonight.

Told Tim to hold still, my camera can't capture any movement in dim light, such as the light off a tablet.

Thanks, Tim.
 I showed him what happens.  He cooperated.  My Sweetie, #28 is always cooperative.

 He held very still beside the still, sleeping Payton.

And that brings us to 12:07 on a cold December night, inside a warm house full of kids and dogs of every age.

Love, MOM, aka GRANDMA, aka Val

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