Sunday, July 18, 2010


The weekend? Perfect.

Little Jay brought Sumi and Larry along, and Maria had Heather, and they are all pleasant people, agreeable, nice kids. It was very peaceful.

sidney loves larry


heather and maria

perler beads

We ate and swam. They rode the bikes all over. We went on a boat ride, watched movies in the evening--Ferris Bueller's Day Off, that old classic. I'd forgotten so many things, it was like seeing it all over again.

I deep fried the shrimp.

They stayed up until the wee hours playing an old, old video game upstairs.

The next day, more of the same.

gathering sticks at the sandbar

and seaweed

our patient neighbor, dori, admiring their sticks

then they built this weird thing

Storms rolled in during the evening, so we opened all the windows to the cool air while I cooked the shrimp. They put in Avatar, a movie Heather brought, and watched that as the thunder rumbled until late in the night.

trying to beat the storm back

Sunday morning we were at the grocery store and there was finally room enough in the freezer for a bucket of ice cream, so I brought back a Gustafson's pail--caramel swirl. (I was looking for the root beer swirl we had back when Renee and Todd were with us last year, but they didn't have it.)

Anyway, divine ice cream cones--they talk about food texture and mouth feel, and why is this particular ice cream so superb? I checked the ingredients: Milk, buttermilk, cream, sweetened condensed milk... oh yeah, all of that.

Anyway, we hated to leave, stayed on the beach playing until it was almost 7pm.

gotta have a bit of this, i guess

But nobody was hurt, and we are home and the washers are churning laundry. Time for bed. love, Val

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