Sunday, August 14, 2011

a fiercly fought soccer game on a saturday night

Oh yeah, here we go. That's Little Jay.

That's John, in the red swimming trunks. A few years ago, Little Jay accidentally kicked John in the heel playing soccer and broke his own foot. (I suppose bare feet aren't the best idea.)

Later that night, at urgent care, when they heard he broke a bone kicking his brother, they asked, "What kind of shape is the brother in??"

Oh he's fine. He's a much bigger brother--couple hundred pounds, 6'5". I'm sure they were imagining an adorable young child, brutally kicked. Nah, a competitor who can hold his own.

Okay, here's where the kids' friend fell into the pool.

"Hey! What's going on?"

Now the ball has gone into the brush full of poison ivy.

And they get a long stick.

And eventually extract the ball from the brush.

I don't actually know who won, but nobody seemed to care either.

Happy Saturday night. love, Val

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