Friday, August 5, 2011

just a perfect friday at the pool

Here we are, trying to get ready. It's always a hassle rounding up our crap and getting out the door.

But it's so worth it.

Here go the snorkel people. Alicia came to the pool too with b.g. and we snickered about them snorkeling in two feet of water with nothing to see but white enamel paint.

And her--she's just too delicious for words. She gets in her bathing suit and even more than usual I can't stop kissing her, nibbling her ears, all that sweet baby skin.

He loves it there and last year was such a baby he was barely walking, and he couldn't run around and do stuff like he can now.

Here's Lydia amusing the baby after she had her nap. She naps right in her wet bathing suit and doesn't even seem to mind. Apparently swimming makes her tired.

She took her on a long walk around the pool.

And then it was time to go, and the evening was so long and beautiful, warm and soft.

My sister came to pick up her daughter, my niece who'd spent the afternoon with Maria, and they brought Julia a birthday present.

She was in the bath tub and ran from there to get her pajamas on really fast so she could open the present. Oh my goodness, it was so exciting.

A Barbie puppy WATER PARK!!! Jay's taking the kids up north to visit his parents tomorrow (they retired to their lake place many years ago) and Julia is TOTALLY bringing this with to play in the LAKE!

Oh, Pam, I love you. No kids ever had a sweeter aunt.

And this brings us to now. Observe the Sophie, our oldest grand-dog, being babysat here for the weekend. Notice where she is.

On my bed. On my pajamas. On his pillow.

One night when we babysat her a couple years ago, when I hopped into bed, I turned to kiss Jay good night, and there she was, wrapped over his HEAD. There were his blue eyes, and hers expectantly perched above. Okay, that's not restful. I am still laughing about it now.

But yeah, make yourself at home, Darling. Life is good. Love, Grandma

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