Sunday, August 14, 2011

tomorrow is August 15th

Gotta warm up the fryer if we're going to have shrimp or cheese curds.

Here's a fierce uncle and his nephew, each with a big stick--no idea what they're doing.

Okay, cinnamon roll, which t.c. asked for when we had him with us at the grocery store, OR apple bread, which Big Jay picked out? (He may have eaten so fast he couldn't tell.)

Them spinning in the swivel rocker after eating a bunch of frosted pastry.

Aww, my Sweetie.

Here's James and r.t. tubing together.

And the kids helping our patient neighbor shuck corn.

Four buddies in a row--


Grandpa, Grandma, Sweetie.

Okay, at an upside down angle--

r.t. bought this pogo stick for $4 at a garage sale and brought it along.

"Get off the phone and watch for cars!"

Okay, this is a picture of bedtime.

And a bright, gorgeous morning--

Which stretched into a gorgeous afternoon. Late in the afternoon, Sam was so tired she jumped up onto the seat next to me in the pontoon boat, put her enormous head in my lap and fell asleep. I wondered how long she could swim for if left to herself, how long? Five hours, and then she was in my lap, asleep.

Okay, onward. Tomorrow is Monday, and the 15th of August, officially halfway through this precious month. How could that BE?

Oh, must not waste a second.

And tonight, Julia was in a rush, watching a movie when I called her to take a bath. When I went down the hall to wash her hair she was gone, back to her movie, and I called to her to come back. Her hair was not washed!

"I washed it myself, Mom!"


Wow, I've been shampooing kids for over 30 years now. Maybe I've done worked myself out of a job--not sure how I feel about that--the last child no longer needing me to suds and rinse the hair? I haven't helped Tim now in years, true.


love, Val

1 comment:

  1. dear more cheese curds. The thought makes my stomach hurt. xoxox
