Sunday, August 25, 2013

dan's 33

Yes, he is.
And we had a great weekend at the lake, a fine day today, all of us together, having fun.

Here are some pictures from the past.  When you've known someone thirty-three years, there is history you cannot escape, not that I'd even want to.

This is from thirty years ago.  Smurf sweats.  Grumpy look because we've prodded you to sit down for a picture before we hit the playground equipment.

 Here's college graduation at Northrup Auditorium.  In the morning we attended Alicia's graduation, and drove back for this one in the evening.  This was such a fine day I can remember many details about it, including what Tim was wearing that morning in Winona, and how Heidi and I took turns bouncing Tim in the pouch until finally he fell asleep on Heidi, high up in the balcony.

I remember my mother turning to grin at me when your names were announced and you walked across the stage for those diplomas.   They had the graduates arranged alphabetically, so it's one of the few times your name was announced before John's--not that it mattered, just caught me off guard. 

 Here are two brother teasing Maria after work.   That little peanut is leaving for college next week.

 Here you guys are just a short time ago when you were a family of three.

And this picture, January 1983.

Daniel?  Thank you for all the happiness you've brought us.

I've told you this before, I know.

There are a lot of people I love, but not a single one more than you.

Thank you for being mine, for being ours.  This whole family is who it is because you are in it.

Happy Birthday, Son.   love forever, Mom and Dan and Everybody.

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