Saturday, August 31, 2013

moving the girl in, and more

The directions were:  Leave all your crap on the curb. Go park your vehicle, and then come back and carry stuff up to the room. They had volunteer College Welcome kids there to help, but Maria packed light. We could do it ourselves.

It was a gorgeous morning, sunny and bright, not too hot yet.

 Little Jay laughed at her because her checkered sheets had coordinates on them. "You can graph parabolas all night, Maria."

She said she looked at the package and didn't notice numbers, just the checkered print.

Well, yeah. You got more than you asked for.

 Here we are on our way back from grocery shopping.   We're not leaving a kid off in a random place with no plan for food.  When we were in the aisle with the Easy Mac, I told her to just pick out some instant meals. They don't go bad. If you never need them, bring them home and the kids will eat them. But then if you do need them, there they are.

We also ended up with a random HUGE container of tic tacs.  I thought she bought it. She thought I did.


Nope, neither of us.  Enjoy those, M.

Then these guys came for the afternoon.  Even though bugs fly in and air conditioning flies out, we prop the door open for guys like him.

 It's a gorgeous summer day, and this is so annoying.

Put all that shit away and GET OUTSIDE.  You can do that ALL WINTER.

What? Us? Who?

We have to save these boards.

John was overheard snapping, "Don't talk to me about any apps. GET OUTSIDE."

So then we went up to the park, and while we adults were still up there sweating, Tim, Julia, and t.c. headed back for the house.

Where they were again found on the damned games.

Can we hurt them?

I suppose not.

It's after midnight, so officially September now.


How is that possible?

love you all so, and behave, Maria.   love, MOM aka GRANDMA

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